Apollo Peak in Golden, Colorado, is trying to change the craft brewery industry with special brews for your furry friends.

Colorado is well-known for its booming craft beer industry and its love for dogs. But did you know that a Golden-based pet treat manufacturer is looking to combine the two into one? Let me introduce you to Apollo Peak, your one-stop shop for beers and wines for your furry friends. That's right. You and Fido can now open a cold one together.
The collection includes drinks like "Catbernet," "The Chardognay," "Twisted Tail Ale," and "Oatmeal Snout." The brews cost $8 per bottle, while the wine is $12 per bottle. Check out the full collection here. You can purchase and ship both across the United States and worldwide. And now you've got the perfect birthday gift for your pet-loving friends and family members! [gallery type="rectangular" size="large" ids="29960,29963,29959"] Now, you're probably asking if the products contain alcohol. They don't. All of the products are non-alcoholic and made from natural ingredients that are safe for pets, like beets and sweet potatoes. Founder and President Brandon Zavala told the Denver Business Journal, "I thought it would be kind of fun to have something functional and beneficial but still good for the dog." Let's be honest, after a long day at work all we want to do is kick back and enjoy a glass with our furry friends. Has your cat or dog tried a glass from Apollo Peak's collection? Are they a fan? Let us know in the comments below. Cheers!

Bowser Beer for Dogs Is Here!