Get ready to chug, 'cause your entire family's about to be in one room ...

There's no doubt that Thanksgiving is a time of celebration and community; however, it is, for many of us, also a time when we're surrounded by those particular family members (you know who they are) who you only see on major holidays and just can't seem to understand why you're not dating anybody or will continuously ask you when you plan on having kids. Frankly, it can be exhausting and repetitive; sometimes, you just need something to take the edge off.

So, we've put together the Ultimate Thanksgiving Drinking Game to help you cope with your family's sheer craziness. And hey, they're still family, and we love them—that's why we're drinking.

Thanksgiving Drinking Game

*Disclaimer: Please drink responsibly. We do not recommend or condone any misuse of alcohol—including excessive consumption, drinking and driving, binge drinking, and/or underage drinking. It is the players' responsibility to monitor and moderate their alcohol consumption. Always have a designated BB (booze buddy) with you at all times.*

The Ultimate Thanksgiving Day Drinking Game:

Take a sip ...

  • Whenever a family member mentions "Black Friday," "Christmas shopping," or the like
  • Any time Biden, or anything remotely political, is brought up in conversation
  • Whenever a family member refers to the turkey as "moist"
  • Whenever a family member refers to the turkey as "dry"
  • Whenever a family member brings out the camera for a family photo op (both in-person and virtual)

Take 1 shot ...

  • If a family member makes a comment on how your appearance has changed
  • Whenever you're asked about your dating life or lack thereof
  • If someone has to make a last-minute run to the store
  • If someone asks you to make a last-minute run to the store
  • Every 10 minutes, the dinner start time is pushed back

Take 2 shots ...

  • Any time you're given unsolicited advice
  • If you're forced to go around and say what you're thankful for
  • Whenever a family member brings an uninvited guest (aka, that boyfriend or girlfriend that nobody likes)
  • Any time you have to explain what you do at your job
  • Any time a flag is thrown during one of the football games

Down your drink ...

  • Anytime a parent tells you to "slow down" in regard to your drinking

Thanksgiving Drinking Game

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! And good luck.