Regardless of where you stand politically, everyone can enjoy this Midterm Election Drinking Game! Happy Election Day!

Get ready, America. The 2022 Midterm Elections are here! And while it (finally) means the end of the barrage of political ads and phone calls, it also gives you the opportunity to celebrate your right to vote by playing our Midterm Election Drinking Game!

Are you ready? Let's raise a glass in a toast to Election Day!

*Disclaimer: Please drink responsibly. We do not recommend or condone any misuse of alcohol—including excessive consumption, drinking and driving, binge-drinking, and/or underage drinking. It is the players' responsibility to monitor and moderate their alcohol consumption. Always have a designated BB (booze buddy) with you at all times.*

The Ultimate Midterm Election Drinking Game:

Take 1 Sip ...

  • When your home state is mentioned
  • When the “Breaking News” or “Key Race Alert" graphics pop up on the screen
  • When someone says, “Swing State”

Take 2 Sips ...

  • When someone shows up to your watch party with an "I Voted" sticker
  • When you hear someone say, "This is the most important election" (or a variation)
  • When someone asks, “Who is even running this year?”  (or a variation)

Down Your Drink ...

  • When a candidate you voted for loses
  • When a candidate you voted for wins
  • When you hear “We Are the Champions” by Queen at any campaign HQ

 Cheers, America!

midterm elections drinking game