Certain things are so exquisitely "Maryland" that just the mention of them makes you think of the state flag. Old Bay fries, anyone?

Blue Crabs

Blue crabs are at the top of the list, that's for sure. So much of Maryland culture revolves around this local industry—and they're delicious!

Crab Cakes

Crab cakes are a thing of art, and everyone has a favorite recipe. Try ours here!

Old Bay

Old Bay holds a place in every Marylander's heart. Love it or leave it, you can find it on almost anything nowadays.


Don't forget about regional specialties, though. Have you ever had a steamer?

Berger Cookies

What about those decadent Berger cookies?

Pit Beef

You can't beat a good pit beef sandwich!

One thing's for sure: Maryland is a great spot for exploring new foods and local specialties. Get out there and try some!

Did your favorite Maryland food make our list? If not, tell us what we're missing in the comments!