A Thai dish influenced by Chinese and Burmese cultures.

Do you ever wonder where your favorite foods got their start? It's interesting to think about how far back certain dishes may have originated, and how they've evolved since then. Today, I thought it would be fun to look at the popular Thai dish, Khao Soi. Let's take a look!

What exactly is Khao Soi?

Before we get into its origins, let's talk about what this dish actually is, for those who are unfamiliar. Khao Soi is a rich and creamy curry dish. The broth is coconut curry-based, and it typically includes some type of meat, such as beef or chicken, and chili paste. It also includes boiled egg noodles, and a variety of toppings, such as shallots, cilantro, extra chili (paste or flakes), crispy fried noodles, and a lime wedge. The crispy noodles add an extra bit of texture to this meal, while other additions add a touch more complexity to the dish. You will of course find different variations, depending on where you get it. Either way, this meal is cozy and delicious—and if you haven't tried it, you need to ASAP!

Where did Khao Soi start?

Today, this dish is popular in Northern Thailand. It is believed to have been influenced by Chinese traders. Many of these people were the Hui people, who came from Yunnan, China in the 19th and 20th centuries. The Hui people are a minority group in China, who are also Muslim. They left China due to the Panthay Rebellion, which occurred from 1856-1873, during the Qing dynasty. Because the Hui people faced discrimination, they rebelled against their rulers Many Hui people ended up moving to Burma, now known as Myanmar, eventually making their way to Northern Thailand.

In Burma, they acquired coconut milk and spices, which became an inspiration for Khao Soi. When they arrived in Thailand, they introduced their noodle culture, as well as the coconut milk and spices from Burma. Burmese cuisine had also already a coconut milk-based noodle soup called Khao Swe.

We can see here the role that Chinese and Burmese cultures played in bringing us Khao Soi. It is very interesting how multiple cultures have blended together to bring us some of our favorite dishes across the world. I don't know that I would exactly call it "fusion," but in a sense, we can see that different cultures have been influencing each other's cuisines for quite some time. 

If you are interested in trying some insanely good Khao Soi in the Denver area, I recommend checking out Daughter Thai. You need to try their Mea Sai Khao Soi, which puts a twist on this meal by using crispy duck confit for the meat. It is fantastic. You also have the ability to choose from mild, medium, or spicy. Trust me, you're gonna want to try this.