"A negroni … sbagliato … with prosecco in it."

In case you haven't been on TikTok lately, House of Dragons star Emma D'Arcy has quickly become a viral star following their interview describing their favorite drink of choice. In fact, the video has blown up so much that in the last 30 days, Google searches for the Negroni Sbagliato have reached 60,000—up 501%! Insane, right??

And now, companies are bottling up the drink for fans since they've been searching high and low for "a negroni ... sbagliato ... with prosecco in it." Enter St. Agrestis, a Brooklyn-based spirits and cocktails producer.

St. Agrestis is now taking pre-orders for a limited-release run of bottled negroni sbagliato.

“We are incredibly thankful of the newfound awareness of the Negroni Sbagliato,” St. Agrestis owner Louis Catizone said in a statement. “We have spoken about releasing this product for the past four and a half years and never expected a viral interview to be our green light. We are embracing the trend and are proud to be nimble enough to respond to an internet sensation like this.”

So, what about you? What's YOUR drink of choice?

Watch the viral moment below: