What's your favorite margarita?

Margaritas are a staple for a reason! But we'll be honest, with so many choices, it can be hard to pick the right marg for the right occasion. So, to make things easier, we've narrowed down our list and picked our top four favorite margaritas, then we ranked them, from incredible to amazing. (Honestly, cutting this list down was a lot harder than you may think!)

Without further ado, here are our top four margaritas:

1. Pink Lemonade Margarita

pink lemonade margarita
Photo by elif tekkaya from Pexels (cropped)

We absolutely love this softer take on the classic margarita! (There's a reason why it's ranked our No. 1 margarita recipe!) Also known as the Pink Senorita Cocktail, the Pink Lemonade Margarita is our go-to during the summertime—actually, let's be real; it's our go-to all the time. Between its use of lemons over limes and the addition of pink lemonade and fresh mint, this recipe by A Farmgirl's Dabbles is a must-try.

2. Layered Strawberry-Mango Margarita

strawberry-mango margarita
Courtesy of EatingWell (cropped)

Coming in at a close second is the Layered Strawberry-Mango Margarita. Plus, this recipe from EatingWell makes it a skinny frozen cocktail, which is always a win-win! The swirled layers of a red strawberry margarita with a yellow mango margarita not only make your drink colorful, but it's a delicious combination as well. (Otherwise, it wouldn't have ranked so high on our list!)

3. Watermelon Margarita

watermelon margarita
Photo by Bruno Scramgnon from Pexels (cropped)

If you're a fan of all things sweet, allow us to introduce you to the Watermelon Margarita. It's everything you could possibly want in a margarita, and then some. And it's easy to make, too! This recipe from The New York Times - Cooking will have you relaxing with a cold marg in your hand within 5 minutes. Between the watermelon juice and lime juice, you'll feel as if you're on a beach!

4. Frozen Peach Margarita

frozen peach margarita
Courtesy of EatingWell (cropped)

Here is another easy and delicious frozen margarita! Not only is the Frozen Peach Margarita perfect any day of the year, but it is also very easy to make. With only six ingredients, you'll be sipping on and enjoying this frozen margarita in no time! We recommend this recipe from EatingWell.

BONUS: Classic Margarita

classic margarita
Photo by Brian Jones on Unsplash

We just had to include the Classic Margarita on our list. Now, don't get us wrong, it's a time-and-trued classic for a reason. However, there's also a reason why it's ranked as a bonus on our list and not included in the top four. While it can be refreshing and quench our thirst on a warm day, it's just not as flavorful as the others listed above. (If you couldn't guess by now, we like a little pizzazz when it comes to our favorite margs!) But if you're more of a classic margarita fan, this recipe from Serious Eats is seriously amazing!

But, that's just our opinion! What's YOUR favorite margarita? Did it make the cut? Sound off in the comments below. Cheers!