National Popcorn Day is celebrated every year on January 19. And on this day, popcorn lovers unite to enjoy this delightful and beloved snack. But how much do you know about popcorn? Let's sprinkle some facts on your popcorn knowledge!

A History That Pops!

Popcorn has been enjoyed for over 5,000 years! Archeologists have found popcorn fossils dating back to 3600 BC in New Mexico. Popcorn has also been found in tombs in Peru, preserved for centuries, and still able to pop!

Not All Corn Pops

Only one variety of corn can pop - it's called Zea mays everta. Not all corn can create those fluffy white kernels we love. The secret lies in the kernels' high moisture content, which steams when heated, causing the kernel to explode into the pop we know and love!

The World's Biggest Popcorn Ball

According to the Guinness World Records, the world's largest popcorn ball was created in 2013 in the U.S. It weighed a whopping 3,423 pounds!

Popcorn and Movies: A Historical Pair

Popcorn became a popular snack at movie theaters during the Great Depression because it was cheap and easy to make. It quickly became a tradition and has stuck around ever since!

Nature’s Fireworks

If conditions are right, a popcorn kernel can pop up to 3 feet in the air. That's three times the height of its size!

Celebrate National Popcorn Day by sharing these fun facts with your friends and family as you enjoy a bowl of popcorn together. So, here's to National Popcorn Day, a day to celebrate one of the world's most fascinating and fun snacks. Happy popping!

Oh! And don't forget to celebrate by watching a movie with your popcorn! We've got everything you need to make your own movie theater at home. After all, popcorn and movies go hand in hand!