If you need a bit of a mental coffee break, tune in to one of these soothing YouTube cooking channels.

There's something very calming about watching a person cook with purpose. Whether it's to demonstrate a complicated technique or to simply highlight farm-fresh ingredients, YouTube has some amazing cooking and lifestyle channels to whisk you away.

Seven Plums

This Chinese channel has a huge international following and shows a lovely, amazingly capable young woman who makes everything from furniture to tofu from scratch. No joke, she even made her own oven to bake bread in one episode. The best part about these videos is the lack of extraneous speech and the mystery surrounding what she's making (they only recently added some English titles to the videos). She makes everything look so easy, you'll be planting your own herb garden next spring! Watch her make beef jerky from scratch here.

Silently Cooking

Disclaimer: this channel will make you crave whatever they're cooking. This YouTuber isn't so much about step-by-step instructions or full recipes, just an overall display of how a dish comes together. I love how casually messy he is; it makes the videos so much more relatable. Watch him make an incredible grilled cheese sandwich here.

Courtesy of silentlycooking.com

Peaceful Cuisine

These videos are really beautiful in their simplicity. This vegan cook makes everything from breakfast to dessert and has two versions of each video: with or without music for a true ASMR experience. He lists ingredients for each recipe, which is nice, but some of the ingredients may be hard to find in the States. Watch him make Vegan Pad Thai here.

Ellen Fisher

This is more of a vegan lifestyle channel with impromptu recipes thrown in here and there. Ellen lives in Hawaii with her adorable family, so you'll be getting some serious wanderlust after watching a few episodes. She focuses on fresh produce and local sites, so make sure you have fruit on hand before you tune in to this channel. Here is a great "what-I-did-today" video featuring vegan blogger, Bonnyrebecca.

Wife's Cuisine

This Korean home cook shoots beautiful videos of classic dishes and garnish techniques. Her recipes appear in each description, and the videos are very clear and instructional. Watch her make bulgogi bibimbap here.

Do you have a favorite relaxing YouTube cooking channel? Love a particular video from one of the channels listed? Let us know in the comments below.

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