We all know you can let bananas ripen from green to almost black, but did you know many of your favorite summer fruits also need a few extra days on the counter?

If you find yourself disappointed with your summer produce, chances are, you haven't given them enough time to soften up and get juicy yet. The next time you're at the farmer's market, go ahead and buy the firm peaches and plums—you can let them keep ripening at home. 

Here's a list of popular summer fruit that will continue getting sweeter after being picked.


A tree-ripened peach will create a juicy river down your chin, but most peaches are picked just a few days shy of ripe so that they can survive the trip to market without getting bruised. Store peaches stem-side down on a layer of paper towels for at least a couple of days until they smell like sweet, fruity perfume. They will be easier to peel and infinitely juicier.


Not only will plums, pluots, and apriums (yes, those are both hybrids) continue to ripen off the tree, but they will probably also change color. Don't be alarmed if a pinkish plum is suddenly dark red later in the week! If you haven't tried them yet, dinosaur plums are delicious!


These tropical treats are another fruit that is shipped somewhat underripe. You may need up to a week for a really firm mango to sweeten up. With Ataulfo or Champagne mangoes, it's not uncommon for the skin to wrinkle a bit as well. If you pad them enough with kitchen towels or brown paper, you can even store your mangoes in layers in a shallow cardboard box. Just be sure to check them periodically.

Photo by Stephen Broome (Unsplash)


Prickly pineapples are generally available all year, but they can get particularly sweet in the summertime. Even a pineapple that is green from base to leaves can be saved. Choose a blemish-free specimen and let it sit on your counter until it is yellowing all over and it gives off its trademark scent.


Yes, tomatoes are actually fruits because they are derived from the flower of the plant and contain seeds. While a green tomato won't ripen to perfectly red, a tomato that is slightly under will mellow out and deepen in flavor after a few days at room temperature. Don't wait too long though, they can turn bad just as easily if there is a bruise or split in the skin.

If you find yourself short on time and need to ripen any of these a little faster, put them in a brown paper bag with some apples or bananas. The ethylene gas they emit will help considerably. Summer fruits that will NOT ripen over time include figs, berries, and watermelons. You have to buy those at the peak of perfection or grow your own and let Mother Nature do her work.

Do you have any tips for ripening juicy summer fruit? Share them with us in the comments!