Some stories are worth telling again.

In Top Gun: Maverick, the audience is transported back to fighter pilot school—this time, with a new cast and some old faithfuls. Without giving too much away, just know that this movie is full of nostalgic references that will take you back.

Tom Cruise stars as Maverick, the pilot who doesn't play by the rules. Jon Hamm plays the stern commanding officer who tries to handle him, and Jennifer Connelly joins as a beautiful, age-appropriate love interest. I'd be lying if I said I didn't get a lump in my throat at some of the opening scenes.

For the most part, Twitter is full of high praise for the film. Both old audiences and new are loving the combination of high-flying scenes and the love story down on the ground.

As for the action, it simply can't be beat. The planes are faster, the maneuvers more thrilling, and the storyline is definitely full of tense moments. The Navy will most likely see an uptick in interest after this summer!

As if it couldn't get any better, the movie soundtrack features a haunting new ballad from Lady Gaga.

If this is an indicator of this summer's blockbuster movies, we're off to a roaring good start. 

Will you be seeing Top Gun: Maverick at the theater, or are you waiting for it to be available to stream online? Sound off in the comments!