Is this just the beginning of another wave of delays for the movie industry?

Just as the summer blockbuster season is coming to a close, the movie industry has started to take some hits. And it's reminding us of last year when film after film got delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Now, the delta variant is threatening to do the same.

Paramount has recently announced the delay of three of its biggest titles—Top Gun: Maverick, Mission: Impossible 7, and Jackass Forever. All three films have been pushed to 2022.

Mission: Impossible was slated for Memorial Day 2022, but is now scheduled to release on September 30, 2022. Top Gun: Maverick moves from its November 19 release to Memorial Day 2022. Jackass Forever will get pushed from October 2 to February 4, 2022.

Will we see more production studios pulling their movies slated for this year? The chances are very likely, to be honest. Only time will tell.

According to a studio executive who spoke with The Hollywood Reporter, "If I knew six weeks ago what I know now, I would have moved everything as far out as early next year."

*This story will be updated as we find out more! Keep it bookmarked for your references.

Which movie will be delayed next? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.