Looking for a fluffy love story with a holiday twist? 

For those of you who are in serious GOT withdrawal, this glimpse of "The Mother of Dragons" in a light-hearted chick flick might be just the thing. It doesn't hurt that her love interest is played by hunky Henry Golding, lately of Crazy Rich Asians fame. 

Here's the official trailer, courtesy of Universal Studios:

One of the coolest things about the movie is that they make a point to feature the music of George Michael. This will be a huge selling point, in my book. Another is the major star power they've harnassed in Emma Thompson and Michelle Yeohβ€”two other big reasons why I'll be front and center on opening weekend.

Just the idea of Yeoh owning a Christmas store in the heart of London is enough to get me to the theater to find out more.

The Twitter-verse is loving the film and some fans remind you that it isn't all fun and games. An illness is more than hinted at in the preview, so bring your tissues along just in case.

What do you think of this new romantic comedy? One to watch, or wait for Redbox? Share with someone you think would love this movie and let us know what you think in the comments!