Reports of a new Harry Potter movie being developed by Warner Bros. broke the internet on Thursday. Those rumors have since been put to rest.

UPDATED on September 5 at 9:08 p.m.:

Unfortunately, this exciting news and internet frenzy has met its end, as it's been confirmed that a movie based on the Cursed Child play will NOT be happening.

weasley twins, harry potter

J.K. Rowling sent the internet ablaze when she posted a vague tweet regarding the Cursed Child, which you can see here:

Many had speculated that a movie adaptation was in the works with Warner Bros. However, that turned out not to be the case, as the author disbanded any rumors or reports of a movie being developed with the original cast.

Original story, published on September 5 at 3:35 p.m.:

As I write this, I find myself struggling to find the appropriate words to describe the sheer and utter excitement that I'm currently feeling about the recent news of a new Harry Potter movie being developed by Warner Bros.

Basically, I'm feeling like this:

dumbledore, harry potter

And this:

hermione, harry potter

Before you ask—no, this new movie is not part of the Fantastic Beasts trilogy. Instead, it will be based on the popular West End and Broadway show Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

Oh, and you want to know the best part? Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson are set to reprise their roles as Harry, Ron, and Hermione, respectively! (Are you freaking out as much as I am?!)

First reported by We Got This Covered, the sources who spilled the beans on this new Harry Potter movie are the same ones who said that Ewan McGregor was (finally) returning as Obi-Wan, that a She-Hulk show was being developed at Marvel, and that Disney was working on a sequel to the live-action Aladdin movie—all of which turned out to be true.

So, with that being said, we have a pretty good feeling that this will end up being true as well. (At least, one can hope.)

Personally, I was giving up hope that we'd ever see the Golden Trio on the big screen again, especially after the lackluster Fantastic Beasts movies failed to deliver the same magic that the previous eight Harry Potter films did. And if you ask me, the Cursed Child is the perfect way to reignite that magic, for old and new viewers alike.

This news also comes after the announcement of a Harry Potter-inspired jewelry line from Pandora.

Not sure about you, but I will be eagerly waiting for more details to come from Warner Bros. about this new Harry Potter movie! Let us know what you're hoping to see happen to Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child movie in the comments below!