Movies have the power to take us to other worlds and evoke a range of emotions. They allow us to experience new worlds and meet characters from all walks of life. And, of course, they move us in ways nothing else truly can.

To quote that one AMC Nicole Kidman ad, "Because we need that, all of us, that indescribable feeling we get when the lights begin to dim. And we go somewhere we've never been before; not just entertained, but somehow reborn. Together."

And one critical component that aids this magical experience of watching movies is the music score. Iconic movies' scores have made our hairs stand on end, given us goosebumps, and made us shed tears (even if we don't want to admit it). From Star Wars to The Lord of the Rings and more, here are our picks for the top 10 iconic music scores in movie history!

Best Movie Scores in History:

*Please note that this list of movie scores is in no particular order.

Star Wars (1977)

John Williams' score for the original Star Wars set the new benchmark for movie scores. The stirring opening anthem and the thrilling battle music give this score a unique sound that is unmistakably Star Wars. The score enhances the epic nature of the tale and serves as a perfect backdrop to the iconic space battles and lightsaber duels. We could've included other Star Wars films on our list, including The Phantom Menace's "Duel of the Fates," but we wanted to focus on the movie that started it all.

The Godfather (1972)

Nino Rota's score for The Godfather is a classic example of how music can create an atmosphere. The haunting melody of the theme music highlighted the setting, a fictitious mafia family in the 1940s. The score is a perfect blend of Italian flavor and traditional orchestration, adding to the aura of the thrilling crime drama.

Jurassic Park (1993)

John Williams' score for Jurassic Park is a masterpiece that takes the audience on an incredible journey back in time—65 million years ago, to be exact. The soaring music is playful, energetic, and heart-pumping, making the audience feel the thrill and danger of being in the park surrounded by dinosaurs. And who doesn't want that? (Editor's note: This is one of my favorite movies of all time!)

Titanic (1997)

James Horner's score for Titanic has undoubtedly stood the test of time. The score complements the film's theme of hopeless love and tragedy, which touches the audience's hearts deeply. The music's sweeping grandeur reminds us of the stunning spectacle of the doomed ship and brings back the memories of the epic love story. Titanic is one of our favorite romantic movies, too!

Jaws (1975)

John Williams' score for Jaws is a classic example of music being used to create suspense and terror. The ominous music builds tension, and the audience anticipates the arrival of the great white shark. The score matches the film's minimalist premise in which the shark isn't visible for much of the film. If you hear the iconic notes of Jaws, you better swim fast ...

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001–2003)

Howard Shore's score for The Lord of the Rings trilogy enhances the epic fantasy world created by JRR Tolkien. The score uses leitmotifs to compliment each character's emotional arc, adding to the overall immersive experience. The score's magnificence is highlighted in the final scene of the trilogy when the theme music swells with emotion as the story of Middle-earth comes to an end.

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (1966)

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly score composed by Ennio Morricone is a true work of art. The score's use of unconventional instruments, such as Jew's harps and whistling, creates a unique sound. The score's sparseness is a testament to the Western genre's simplicity and builds excitement in the extensive shoot-out scene at the climax.

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

John Williams's score for E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial is emotional and enchanting. The score uses bright, playful music to contrast the alien's presence on Earth with Elliot's childhood journey. The score is iconic, and the theme song is unmistakably E.T., one that you're sure to recognize in an instant. It's one of our favorite '80s movies!

Psycho (1960)

Bernard Herrmann's score for Psycho is an understated masterclass. The shrill, piercing sounds represent the stabbing in the iconic shower scene. The score's tension makes the audience squirm in their seats, creating an unforgettable experience that still haunts viewers today. There's a reason it's considered one of the "Best Classic Horror Movies."

The Lion King (1994)

Hans Zimmer's score for The Lion King is a beautiful blend of African choir, orchestra, and pop music. The song "Circle of Life" is a classic and sets the tone for the film, highlighting life, death, and the ultimate circle of existence. The score elevates the movie to one of the best animated films in Hollywood history. The Lion King also has an incredible Broadway album!

So there you have it—our top 10 iconic scores in movie history. These scores are not just an accompaniment to the movies; they are the soul of film productions and an essential part of cinema culture!

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