Celebrate fall with an epic cider tasting event out at the Fredericksburg Fairgrounds.

I know what you're thinking—is it really a good idea to go to a festival with everything going on? Here's the thing, though: This is a festival, but it's also an outdoor event spread out over acres of open land.

Last year's vendors were well-spaced and clearly marked with their own tents or tables set up. This year, all social distancing guidelines will be posted and encouraged. Masks are required to enter the festival grounds, and organizers will be watching the capacity. This is a 21-and-over event, so leave the kids at home!


So, if you're looking for an outdoor event to kick off the fall season, check out the annual Virginia Cider Festival.

Event Details

live music, stage

Expect to see dozens of tents set up with local cideries, breweries, and distilleries all pouring samples. You won't be picking up a commemorative cider glass at the gate this year, but you can taste all day until last call at 4:30 p.m.

In addition to sampling your way through a variety of adult beverages, there will be plenty of food, arts, and crafts available for sale. Yes, you will be able to find all of your favorite fair foods. Funnel cake, anyone? A central pavilion will feature live music throughout the day so you can take breaks from all of the day-drinking you'll be doing.

cider tasting

**The photos in this article are by Sarina Petrocelly unless indicated otherwise.

Will you be heading to the Virginia Cider Festival this year, or do you think it's a bit too soon for large outdoor gatherings? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!