For an elegant evening of culture and music, buy your tickets now for a chamber music concert at George Washington's Mount Vernon Estate.

PLEASE NOTE: This event is now canceled. Please visit Mount Vernon's website for more information!

A quintet from the National Symphony Orchestra (NSO) will be bringing a special event to the visitors at Mount Vernon later this month. Imagine attending an intimate concert performed by members of the acclaimed NSO, followed by champagne and sweets with the musicians. I can think of worse ways to spend an evening!

The concert is the third of three in a series presented by the NSO at the historic Virginia landmark.

Event Details

The program includes pieces from both classical and contemporary composers: Prokofiev's Quintet for Oboe, Clarinet, Violin, Viola and Bass; Beethoven's Piano Sonata "Pathetique"; Brahms' Intermezzo and Romanze; Ravel's Pavane for the Dead Princess; and Bernstein's West Side Story.

Performers for the concert will be Paul Cigan on clarinet, Natasha Bogachek on violin, Zino Bogachek on violin, Ruth Schaaf on viola, and Mark Evans on cello.

concert, stage

After the music, you will be able to mingle with your fellow music lovers and the musicians themselves at a reception. Enjoy a glass of wine, have some dessert, and make new friends! If you get there a little early, you can enjoy the sunset with a view of the Potomac River.

For more information about the chamber music concert or other upcoming events, visit the official Mount Vernon Estate website.

champagne, wine

*The photos in this article are courtesy of the Mount Vernon Estate.

Have you been to one of the NSO's chamber music concerts at Mount Vernon? What was it like? Tell us about it in the comments!