"Tiger King" has now become the new Meme King.

If you haven't watched Tiger King on Netflix yet, what the hell are you doing with your life? Go! Watch it, then come back here so you can enjoy these memes that are almost as batsh*t crazy as the docuseries. (It's one of those things that you can't explain; it has to be seen to be believed.)

However, if you have watched Tiger King, then you know just how insane and wild the seven-episode series actually is. (Check out our review of Tiger King here!) So, we're not surprised at all by the hilarious memes that have now come about since its release on Netflix nearly two weeks ago. And because we're all stuck at home with nothing better to do, we wanted to share these hilarious Tiger King memes with you all. Enjoy!



Where's the lie, though?

tiger king memes


We're all thinking it, he just said it ...

tiger king memes


Feelin' called out, but whatevs ...

Wait, what happened?!

Best thing we've seen all day!


Correction. THIS is the best thing we've seen all day! 

tiger king memes


Only way we're greeting our pets from now on.


Yeah ... sad, but true.

tiger king memes


Can you imagine how many OTHER Tiger King memes there could've been??


Just let it go, Disney. Let it go.

tiger king memes

"Quite possibly"


We have a feeling there'll be A LOT of Tiger King-themed Halloween costumes this year ...


Well, damn ...

tiger king memes


Us before and after watching Tiger King.

tiger king memes

Whoomp. There it is.

tiger king memes

Have YOU watched Tiger King yet? Any other hilarious memes you want to share with us? Sound off in the comments below. See you on the flipside, all you cool cats and kittens.