Called $CAT, the crypto coin will allow fans to buy merch and more from Big Cat Rescue.

Tiger King star Carole Baskin has launched her own cryptocurrency. Why? Because she's Carole Baskins, that's why.

Called $CAT, the cryptocurrency is described as a "fan token" for people to purchase merchandise or online experiences from Baskin's Big Cat Rescue animal sanctuary.

In a statement, Baskin said, "I’m investigating crypto currencies because I am concerned about the volume of US dollars that are being printed and distributed with nothing to back them up."

She continued, stating, that she likes "the idea of putting the power of money in the hands of the people, rather than banks and governments."

You can visit to be one of the first to collect the "fan token"!

I wonder if Baskin's face masks will be part of the merchandise fans can buy with $CAT ...

What do you think? Is this simply a media ploy by Baskin? Will you be "investing" in $CAT? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.