If you still haven't seen the irreverent Broadway hit yet, "The Book of Mormon" is coming to the Altria Theater this spring.

The music will make you smile, the lines will make you hoot with laughter, and the evening will keep you humming show tunes for weeks afterward. The Book of Mormon is the unlikely tale of a pair of Mormon missionaries navigating a posting with ... interesting results.

This Broadway smash is a fun-filled musical with extravagant sets and choreography. It was co-written and co-produced by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, along with Robert Lopez of Avenue Q fame. This tour production features Liam Tobin as Elder Price, and Conner Peirson as the inimitable Elder Cunningham. Kayla Pecchioni has the role of Nabulungi and Corey Jones is the General.

That's it, I can't say any more without giving something away!

WHEN: March 26-31, 2019
WHERE: The Altria Theater | 6 North Laurel Street | Richmond, VA
TICKETS: $38.50-$118.50, available for purchase online here
PARKING: $10 per vehicle at the VCU parking facilities near the venue

About the Performance

It's no secret that The Book of Mormon doesn't pull any punches. Would you expect any less from the creators of South Park and the co-writer for the music of Avenue Q? That said, you should NOT go with anyone who is easily offended. Sure, they may say they can take it, but if risqué jokes make them blush, leave them at home. Personally, I also wouldn't take a child younger than 16, but that's just me. Whoever you take, keep an open mind and you'll have a great time!

*All photos in this article are courtesy of bookofmormonbroadway.com.

For more information about the Richmond performances, visit the Altria Theater website.

Are you going to see Book of Mormon this year? Without giving away any spoilers, what are you looking forward to the most? Tell us in the comments below!

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