Country music star Spencer Crandall talks his new album, returning to Colorado, and more in this exclusive interview.

Last September, we had the opportunity to sit down and talk with rising country star Spencer Crandall. And since then, the Colorado native has kept himself fairly busy. Between a new album set to release in April, an upcoming show in Denver, and much more, Crandall graciously took the time out of his schedule to chat with us again about his continued success.

And if you're not following him on Instagram, you should be. You can also stream his music on Spotify!

Check out our interview with Spencer Crandall below:

So, last time we talked was back in September. What have you been doing since then?

CRANDALL: A lot's been going on ... I recorded a nine-song album called More -- it comes out April 12, which we're really excited about. Put out two songs from that album: "Ain't Working for Me" and "Kept Every Vow."

"Kept Every Vow" was inspired by your parents' relationship, right?

CRANDALL: Yep. That song is so special to me. It’s my parents' love story. It’s how they’ve been together and stuck with each other through hard times for over 32 years now. They had four kids, my mom had cancer, my dad got laid off, and they still chose love through it all. It’s a story that I hope inspires people to continue to choose love, even when it gets hard.

Now, we've noticed that you've gained more followers. Want to talk about that? Have you continued with the organic approach, or what are you doing to gain traction?

CRANDALL: Yeah, so I've basically been doing the same stuff. We just post a lot of content. I started vlogging, which is something that's been fun since the last time we spoke. That's been fun, and it lets fans in on just that extra layer of my personality -- what I think is cool. And when I go places and when I do things, that just gets them that extra inside scoop, that inside look into my life. So it's been fun!

Since you've been vlogging, and you're traveling a lot, what are some of your favorite places you've been in the last six months?

CRANDALL: I've been super lucky. I've been to Mexico, Italy, and New York. Italy was awesome, that was my favorite trip I ever took. Mexico was great, too, as my family does a yearly trip. We've done that since I was little, like that's our "thang." [laughs] And then for Christmas, my parents got us a New York trip, which I'd never been. So my siblings and I saw a Broadway show, went to the Empire State Building, Central Park -- did the whole New York experience. It was amazing!

What show did you see while you were there?

CRANDALL: We saw The Lion King. It was incredible.

And what about Italy? Where all did you go?

CRANDALL: Rome, Florence, and Venice. It was me and my best friend/manager, Jeff. Nine days. I ate so much pizza and pasta; it was the best.

So, changing gears a bit. What are your goals for 2019?

CRANDALL: Goals for 2019 include getting a song on a major Spotify playlist. I'm really proud of our streaming numbers; just this year we've doubled our monthly listeners. At the start of the year, we had 60,000, and we just hit 140,000 today. That's just in two months! So hopefully a major Spotify playlist would really help that. And then having the new album -- we put out an acoustic mixtape last year around this time, and that was No. 1 on iTunes -- so if we could replicate that, even a Top 10 is great. And then more shows, too. Really, just being pretty aggressive with the music and trying to create fun experiences and content for the fans.

In regards to shows, you plan on doing more traveling this year, either domestically or internationally? Both?

CRANDALL: Just booked my first Canada show, so that's fun. I feel like I'm so spoiled. I've gone to Italy, Mexico, and now Canada. So hopefully some more of that, and I'm doing some headlining stuff. I'm with William Morris (WME), a booking agency, and they've been awesome in helping me get shows. That's how I've opened up for the people I have opened up for, and we get those kinda last-minute, so I'll be adding those to the website and Instagram as we get them.

From what you can tell us, in your own words, what are you planning on doing with your Denver concert -- coming up on April 4 -- and the Children's Hospital? Are there any updates on those two shows since you'll be back in Colorado?

CRANDALL: Yes. The show's April 4, and we're super-excited. It's kind of like our album release show, if you will. I thought that the best place to do that, with friends and family and the home crowd. We're very excited to be back at the Bluebird. We'll be putting out new music, and we'll have a new set, transitions, and these other little things that I feel like it's a whole new show, a whole other experience.

CRANDALL: And the Children's Hospital -- so when it got pitched to me, I got super-excited. I love stuff like that. Music, to me, is just another opportunity to hang out with people and tell stories and make people laugh, smile, and feel. To have the chance to do this for somebody who is going through something hard and tough, it makes it totally worth it. I'm hoping that the event goes through.

Now we're gonna do some fun questions, just like we did last time. Ready?

CRANDALL: Yes. Let's do it.

What's your favorite food? We'll do your favorite everyday food, cuisine, and then dessert.

CRANDALL: [laughs] I like all of those. If we just did a whole food interview, I wouldn't be mad. I'm gonna say for my day-to-day, I like my breakfast of English muffins and peanut butter and eggs ... Cuisine, I like Mexican and really good Italian food. And then dessert, there's an ice cream shop in Nashville called Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams. They have a flavor called Brown Butter Almond Brittle, and it is as close to heaven-on-earth as I've found. Nothing competes.

Your top three songs on your playlist, what are they?

CRANDALL: Um ... Gonna open up my Spotify. There's the new song, "Sucker," by the Jonas Brothers -- it's a jam. "Look What God Gave Her" by Thomas Rhett. And then "it's not u, it's me" by Bea Miller and 6LACK.

Alright, so last time we asked you about your relationship status. What's the update with that?

CRANDALL: Still single. Yep, just focusing on myself, which is actually really nice.

And since it's Sunday [at the time of this interview], what does your Sunday routine consist of?

CRANDALL: It depends. On Sundays, I usually take off from the gym. Today I had a nice Chipotle burrito for lunch; that's my cheat meal. I usually try to watch Saturday Night Live from the night before -- love that show. And really, just try to take it easy. Usually, if I'm not traveling, I'll go to the grocery store, do laundry, relax and hang out before I head back into the chaos on Monday. 

Last question: If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?

CRANDALL: Somewhere warm. Somewhere warmer than here. I'm dying for some sunshine, so maybe the Bahamas or somewhere where it can't get below 80 degrees.

Well, thanks, Spencer, for taking the time out of your day to talk with us.

CRANDALL: Of course. Thank you so much. Appreciate it!


Don't wait to get your tickets to see Spencer Crandall perform at Denver's Bluebird Theater on April 4! Doors open at 7 p.m., show starts at 8 p.m. Click here to purchase tickets ($13-$15). 

And we will be giving away concert tickets on Denver Now's Instagram — so make sure you give us a follow for a chance to win! 

Special thanks to Spencer Crandall.


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