It's part of a public art exhibit called "Tree of Transformation" by two local artists. The installation will remain in Civic Center Park until April 15.

It's kind of hard to miss, but if you haven't swung by Civic Center Park lately, well, there's a giant tree -- a 20-foot-tall tree to be exact. It's called "Civic Center Art in the Park: Tree of Transformation," and I highly suggest you stop by before April 15. Otherwise you will have missed out on the incredible public art piece. Created by Denver-based artists Nick Geurts and Ryan Elmendorf, also known as YetiWeurks, the steel and wood tree is completely interactive. Play the piano and listen as unique sounds and colors spill from the tree's branches. Since the branches are so top heavy, the tree has steel roots beneath the ground to keep it balanced and from toppling over -- very much like a real tree. The tree was first seen at Burning Man in 2015 (below) and was so popular that it made the two artists want to bring it to Denver. [caption id="attachment_31912" align="aligncenter" width="650"]civic center park Provided by the Civic Center Conservancy | Espressobuzz[/caption]
"Tree of Transformation is one part of a strategy that includes more than 200 days of activities scheduled for Civic Center Park in 2018," said Eric Lazzari, director of programming and events for the Civic Center Conservancy, in a press release. "We hope it’s the first of many temporary art installations as part of our new Civic Center Art in the Park program." Located in the center of the park, the tree aims to be "whimsical" and "something that people of all ages could play." Have you seen the Tree of Transformation in Civic Center Park? Are there other unique art pieces around Denver that we should know about? Share them with us. And don't forget to share your photos/videos of the Tree of Transformation with us!

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