Journey into the world of 8-bit pixels at the debut of the Denver Botanic Gardens' new exhibition, "Pixelated: Sculpture by Mike Whiting."

Remember those 8-bit, pixelated video games of your youth like "Pac-Man" and "Space Invaders" that lacked the detail we're used to seeing in games today? Of course, you do. Back when those games were released, there was only so much that could be done simply because that kind of technology didn't exist. Luckily, as time has gone on, more technology has been created to give us hyper-realistic graphics and games that make the 8-bit games of the past look, well ... old. But there's something about the old games that still capture our attention. I mean, look at "Minecraft." It has recaptured and bottled that nostalgia for a modern audience.
"Pixelated: Sculpture by Mike Whiting" at the Denver Botanic Gardens will attempt to capture that nostalgia, too. The exhibition is set to make its debut on April 28 and will be on display until September 23. Tickets are available now -- exhibition is included with general admission. [gallery type="rectangular" size="large" ids="36357,36356"]
"Pixelated explores the relationships between the natural world and the artificial world of digital media. Mike Whiting says 'Gardens are in their own way virtual spaces -- carefully created environments. The contrast of the sculptures' geometric and manmade materials can seem at odds with the gardens, but they are connected in the dialogue about the re-presentation of nature,'" according to a statement by the Denver Botanic Gardens.
If you're a video game fan, or you simply enjoy walking around the gardens, then you'll certainly enjoy the simplicity and beauty of it all. What do you think? Will you be checking out the new exhibition at the Denver Botanic Gardens? And share your favorite classic video games in the comments below.

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