If the proposal moves forward, the Broncos' south parking lots could be redeveloped into a mixed-use entertainment district and neighborhood.

The city of Denver and the Broncos are teaming up to propose a new use for Mile High Stadium's 52 acres of parking lots and need the public's input to help develop the project. As of right now, no meetings have been set or scheduled, but they're expected to occur sometime in the spring. This project is based off the Decatur-Federal Station Area Plan from 2013 that called for a year-round, mixed-use district that benefited the stadium and its surrounding area.
"This is an opportunity to realize the recommendations in the neighborhood plan, including improving critical transportation connection between the site and nearby transit, downtown, Sun Valley and west side neighborhoods, the highway and the South Platte River," Denver Community Planning and Development Executive Director Brad Buchanan said in a statement. [caption id="attachment_35270" align="aligncenter" width="550"]parking lots Courtesy of Denver Community Planning and Development[/caption] The plan is to turn the space into an entertainment district that would not only become a go-to destination during game days but all year-round with its bars, restaurants, shops, and so much more. If everything goes as planned, then the entertainment district and neighborhood will become a valuable revenue source to help maintain and improve the stadium. And any parking that's being removed will be replaced. Officials said that the project is still in its early stages and that construction is years away, so we won't be seeing changes to the area happening any time soon. For more information on the redevelopment, visit denvergov.org. What do you think? Are you for or against this plan to redevelop Mile High Stadium's parking lots? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below, and let's get the conversation started.

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