Remember that giant musical chair exhibit in Denver last year that captured the city by storm? It's making its grand return this summer!

Get ready to have your inner child cheering with joy because the Denver Art Museum is bringing back its popular giant musical chair exhibit, La Musidora. The interactive installation made its debut in summer 2017. La Musidora, a combination of the Spanish words for music ("la música") and rocking chair ("la mecedora"), is a 90-foot piece of art that can seat 20 people at a time, and when you gently rock, musical sounds are played. [caption id="attachment_38264" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]giant musical chair exhibit Courtesy of the Denver Art Museum (Facebook) | Photo by @oliviavezner on Instagram[/caption] Created by Mexico City designers, Héctor Esrawe and Ignacio Cadena, the two artists are known for their interactive exhibits all across the United States. And after the success that La Musidora brought last year, they simply couldn't say "no" to bringing it back. The exhibit will be outside the Hamilton Building's entrance, in Martin Plaza, until September 3. Read more about La Musidora installation on the Denver Art Museum's website. What are your thoughts on the giant musical chair exhibit returning? Did you visit it last year? Share your photos and videos of your musical creations with us HERE.

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