The Denver Museum of Nature & Science has recently acquired a new virtual reality arcade that transports its guests through 10 different experiences, including a Google Earth VR game and a Mars Odyssey game!

This limited-time pop-up at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science is all about virtual reality. The new arcade will allow visitors to participate in 10 experiences that tie into various topics already covered by the museum, in some shape or form.

The arcade is located on the first floor, near the Space Odyssey exhibition. It will be open daily, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and requires a special ticket purchase (on-site only). And keep in mind that this is only available for a limited time -- the museum noted that it will likely be open until the end of the year -- so make sure you stop by while you still can.

Please note that the experiences are strictly for those ages 10 and up. Guests must have good balance in order to participate, as they will be wearing a tethered headset throughout the arcade.

"We tested a VR experience for the past year that was very popular with our guests, so we are expanding the VR offerings," said George Sparks, president and CEO of the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, in a statement. "We hope this will surprise and delight our guests and inspire them to enjoy exploring wherever their curiosity leads."

The following games are included in the VR Arcade:

Google Earth VR
Beat Saber
V-Racer Hoverbike
Mars Odyssey
Plank Not Included
Eagle Flight
Job Simulator
Eleven: Table Tennis
Sea of Memories
Glider Island

A detailed description of each game has not been released. Which means you'll have to pay a visit to the museum and check 'em out for yourself! After all, exploration is part of the VR Arcade's main goal for its guests -- so hop to it! (And come back to us with all the details.)

What do you think? Do you think the Denver Museum of Nature & Science is onto something with this virtual reality experience? Is this going to be the future of museums? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below. See you out there, fellow explorers!

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