It's a mystery no longer! The Denver Zoo has announced that they are expecting, drum roll please ... a baby sloth!

Last week, we found out the Denver Zoo was expecting a new addition to their ever-growing family. The only problem was that they were very cryptic in their announcement, leaving all of us wondering what kind of animal it could be. It quickly became a mystery that we wanted to crack. Well, consider the mystery solved. The Denver Zoo will soon be welcoming a baby sloth. What's even more exciting is that since Charlotte is about seven to 10 months along -- sloths are pregnant for about 10 months -- she'll have the baby any time between now and March. If you visit the zoo any time soon, make sure you swing by Bird World to visit the expectant mother. She's typically hanging out in one of the top corners of the exhibit. Stay up-to-date on the baby sloth's birth by following the Denver Zoo on Facebook and Twitter. What kind of animal did you think the mystery baby was? Were you right? Or, like me, were you way off in your guess? Let us know in the comments below. And don't forget to share your zoo pictures with us HERE.

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