The Denver Zoo has announced the birth of a baby Sumatran orangutan, which are critically endangered. Named Cerah, she joins the ever-growing zoo family.

Cerah, the newly born Sumatran orangutan born at the Denver Zoo, joins a long list of new arrivals to the Denver Zoo.

Seriously, will the Denver Zoo family ever stop growing? There have been so many birth announcements within the last year that we're starting to lose track! Between Dobby the giraffe, red panda cubs Pabu and Sabal, fishing cat Miso-Chi, Scarlet the Kea bird, red-ruffed lemur Penny, and Charlotte the sloth, there are too many adorable animals to see!

Well, that's not true. You can never haveĀ too many adorable animals. Cerah (pronouncedĀ Che-rah and means "bright" in Indonesian) was born on March 25 to parents Nias and Berani. The Denver Zoo made the announcement via Facebook on March 30. Both mom and baby are doing well, according to zoo officials. [gallery type="rectangular" size="large" ids="35525,35524"]
Unfortunately, Cerah won't make her public debut for another couple of weeks. But when she does, you'll be able to see her in the Great Apes exhibit in Primate Panorama. Isn't she adorable?? Too cute for words! Will you be stopping by to say hi to Cerah soon? Let us know in the comments below. And don't forget to share your zoo pictures with us HERE.

The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Is Expecting a Baby Orangutan, Too! Click Here to Learn More.