Between the many new births, family-friendly events, and free days, the Denver Zoo had a record-breaking year in 2017 with more than 2.2 million guests!

In the Denver Zoo's 121-year history, there has never been a more record-breaking year than in 2017. The zoo welcomed 2,239,114 guests! The previous record was held for five years -- it was set in 2012, with 2,065,410 guests. Out of those 2.2 million guests, about 382,466 were in attendance on free days, night-time events, and other educational programs. "The 2017 attendance record reinforces the importance of the Denver Zoo in our community," said Denny O'Malley, interim president/CEO at Denver Zoo, in a press release. "... We will continue to explore the most effective ways our Zoo can support the preservation of wild animals and wild spaces, while enhancing our on-campus guest experiences."
[gallery type="rectangular" size="large" ids="33221,33223,33220"] There are many factors that can be attributed to the zoo's success, whether it be the opening of "The Edge" exhibit, which is now home to three Amur tigers; the arrival of Dobby the giraffe; the birth of two red panda cubs; or the many events the zoo hosted throughout 2017, including DINOS! Live and Zoo Lights. Currently, the Denver Zoo is home to 3,700 animals that represent more than 600 species. Were you one of the many attendees during the Denver Zoo's record-breaking year? Are you planning on visiting the zoo soon? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below. And don't forget to send us your photos/videos of your Denver Zoo visit!

The Denver Zoo's Baby Sloth Is Here! Click to See More!