According to a report by Inrix, the Mile High City ranks as 21st worst for traffic congestion in the United States. So, at least it's not getting worse ...

Last year, Denver ranked as 21st worst in the country for traffic congestion. And, surprise, surprise. That's where we ranked again this year, according to a report by Inrix Inc., a company that specializes in traffic analytics. So ... that's a good thing, I guess. Right? I mean, at least it's not getting worse. Not to mention that the Mile High City's global ranking fell (107 in 2016; 120 in 2017), so that's an improvement. Apparently, Denver drivers spent 36 hours stuck in traffic last year -- national average is 41 hours per year. Now, think about that for a second. That's a day and a half spent stuck in a car, just waiting for traffic to move. [caption id="attachment_33339" align="aligncenter" width="576"]traffic congestion Courtesy of Inrix[/caption]
What doesn't come as a shock is that Los Angeles has the worst traffic, and not even just in the United States, but worldwide, too. New York and San Francisco (also not very surprising) came in second and third in the U.S., respectively.

Top 10 Worst Cities in the U.S. for Traffic Congestion:

  1. Los Angeles, CA
  2. New York, NY
  3. San Francisco, CA
  4. Atlanta, GA
  5. Miami, FL
  6. Washington, D.C.
  7. Boston, MA
  8. Chicago, IL
  9. Seattle, WA
  10. Dallas, TX
Read the full traffic scorecard HERE. What do you think about Denver's results? Is it really that surprising where we ranked? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below, and let's get the conversation started.

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