Impact Locally, a non-profit organization has opened a Denver boutique but it's missing something that stores typically have: a cash register. Why? To help clothe the homeless population, free of charge.

On March 20, a new clothing store opened in Denver. Now, this probably doesn't sound very exciting. After all, stores open and close every day. But what if I told you that this wasn't your ordinary boutique, that it's considered to be the first of its kind? Created by local non-profit Impact Locally, the Denver boutique offers the homeless population something they desperately need: clothes. What makes it different is that everything is free. That's right. The "Humanity" boutique doesn't charge for its items. Located along Welton Street in Five Points, the small, one-room store is open Tuesday through Thursday, from noon to 5 p.m., and is there for anyone in need to walk in, pick out some clothes, and leave. "There has never been a store like this before... This store not only gives individuals access to clothing like they've never had before but also helps to restore their dignity by providing an experience like you would find in any other clothing store," Impact Locally said in a statement. Humanity is run by volunteers and relies on donations from the public to keep afloat. If you'd like to donate clothes, money, or your time, please click here. For more information on Impact Locally and its programs, visit its website. What do you think of the new Denver boutique? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

A Five-Story Homeless Youth Center Gains Approval from Denver City Council to Move Forward. Click Here to Learn More!