Denver's one of 15 cities being considered for the Army's headquarters of its planned Futures Command, which will keep track of emerging warfighting tech.

The Army is looking for a city to place its Futures Command headquarters, and Denver is in the running, according to a letter sent by U.S. Army Undersecretary Ryan McCarthy to the U.S. Senate and U.S. House Armed Services Committees. The new headquarters will be the fourth Army Command and will be in charge of keeping track of technology and other innovations that could potentially be used in warfighting. It will join forces with private industry and public institutions to develop new approaches to equipment research, development, and acquisition. On its website, Army Future Command "modernizes the Army for the future -- will integrate the future operational environment, threat, and technologies to develop and deliver future force requirements, designing future force organizations, and delivering material capabilities."
"We want this headquarters to be located near leading academic and commercial institutions to harness the best talent possible in emerging technology and innovation," McCarthy said the in the letter.
The Futures Command headquarters also needs to be "small, unbureaucratic, and able to blend into the hoodies-and-sneakers culture of civilian innovators," according to The Denver Business Journal. Within the next two months, the list of 15 will be narrowed down to 10. Along with Denver, other cities include Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New York, Philadelphia, Raleigh, San Diego, San Francisco, and Seattle. And by the end of July, doors to Futures Command are expected to open and will be fully operational a year later. Less than 500 workers are said to be employed. What do you think? Do you believe that Denver will be selected by the Army for the new headquarters? Are you for or against this potential development? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below, and let's get the conversation started.

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