The DCPA's Stage and Ricketson theatres will be undergoing a massive $36 million renovation, thanks to a public capital campaign.

For the first time in the Denver Center for the Performing Arts' 40-year history, it will be hosting a public capital campaign, aka a fundraiser, to help fund the renovations for the Stage and Ricketson theatres as well as major overhauls to the backstage areas and the Helen Bonfils Theatre Complex lobby. Once it reopens in November 2020, the Stage Theatre will be renamed The Marvin and Judi Wold Theatre after the long-time DCPA supporters. [gallery type="rectangular" size="large" ids="38302,38303"] According to DCPA Chairman Martin Semple, the fundraising campaign, called A Grander Opening, is nearly 75 percent of the way complete of its $36 million goal -- $19 million will be from voter-approved General Obligation bonds, $8 million from DCPA Trustees, and $9 million from future contributions of the public. [caption id="attachment_38300" align="aligncenter" width="960"]renovation Courtesy of DCPA (Facebook)[/caption] "We are so fortunate to have a community that supports the performing arts, and we look forward to engaging donors far and wide to ensure we meet our fundraising goal," said Janice Sinden, President & CEO of the DCPA, in a statement. "We look forward to celebrating the culmination of A Grander Opening with the reopening of the Ricketson Theatre in 2021."
The funds will be used to:
  • Rebuild the Stage and Ricketson theatres and back-of-house areas;
  • Install new seating, improved sightlines, and state-of-the-art technology;
  • Connect The Ricketson Theatre to the main lobby and add an elevator to improve accessibility;
  • Increase energy efficiency of lighting and mechanical systems;
  • Update critical fire detection and suppression systems;
  • Provide new levels of physical accessibility to all seating and backstage areas;
  • Improve assistive listening systems and audio description capabilities.
"Beyond the physical improvements, this renovation will allow our spaces to accommodate artists' imaginations, inspire students' creativity and welcome guests to stories that reflect their lives," said Sinden. "... we will continue to provide world-class theatre experiences in world-class facilities."
Below is a simulated video tour of the new Stage and Ricketson theatres: If you would like to make a contribution to A Grander Opening, please contact Janice Sinden at [email protected] or call (303)-893-4000. Read more about the renovations happening at the DCPA here. What do you think? Are you excited for the changes coming to the Denver Center? Will you be seeing any productions there in the near future? If so, what show(s)? Let us know in the comments below.

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