Well, the top five floors of it anyway. And those five floors ain't gonna be cheap -- $3.5 million, to be exact.

The Daniels and Fisher Tower is an iconic landmark in the city of Denver that sits in the heart of 16th Street Mall. And guess what! The top five floors of the clock tower could become your new home -- if you're in possession of $3.5 million, that is. Otherwise, you're just gonna have to admire the gorgeous tower from afar, like the rest of us! The property, listed by LIV Sotheby Realty, is currently being rented out for various wedding events, among other things, but it has the potential to be converted into a suitable residence. Let's just hope that whoever buys the property is a fan of bells, because it's very, and I mean very, loud. The bells sit in the cupola (not sure what that is, but we'll go with it!) at the top of the tower and will chime every 30 minutes, 24 hours a day. So ... maybe it'd be a good time to invest in some earplugs. Just in case. At least it's got gorgeous views, right? That's gotta count for something! Check out some shots of the Daniels and Fisher clock tower below. We promise you won't be disappointed. [gallery type="rectangular" size="large" ids="35721,35726,35724,35722,35725,35723"]
Originally built in 1911, it was the tallest building in the country, not including New York City. Architect Frederick Sterner modeled the tower after the Campanile tower in Venice, Italy, in hopes of bringing the iconic European architecture to the American West. Then, the tower was almost demolished in the 1960s when the department store beneath it was taken down, but luckily, some folks stopped that from happening. Eventually, by the 1970s, each floor was individually sold off. Today, floors two to 16 are offices. Seriously, this Denver landmark has a ton of history and plenty of charm to go around! So, what do you think? Will you be part of its rich history? There's only one way to find out ... get $3.5 million. For more information on the property, visit LIV Sotheby Realty, or contact Stuart Crowell at (269) 598-0003 or Nicole Scholle at (720) 326-2363. And don't forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

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