A wooden propeller signed by one of the father's of aviation, Orville Wright, is heading to Wings Over the Rockies, and we're totally geeking out about it!

A little piece of aviation history is coming to Denver's Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum. Well, actually, "little" isn't the right word. I think "gargantuan" fits better ... With that being said, a gargantuan piece of aviation history will be coming to the museum. What is it, you ask? Oh, just you know, a wooden propeller signed by Orville Wright of the Wright brothers, aka the inventors of MODERN FLIGHT.
[gallery type="rectangular" size="large" ids="35355,35354"] The Wright Model K propeller comes from the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Museum in Dayton, Ohio, which has owned the artifact since it was donated in 2004. It's said to be the only aviation artifact that's signed by a Wright brother in the entire world, valued at hundreds of thousands of dollars. A crew from the museum recently flew the Ohio to pick up the propeller. "It's an amazing piece of aviation history," Matthew Burchette, curator at the Wings Over the Rockies, told Dayton Daily News. "We are really, really excited that the Hall of Fame would even consider us to be worthy of such an artifact." It will be on loan to Wings Over the Rockies for five years. When the propeller goes on display has yet to be decided, but we're trying to remain hopeful that it'll be sometime this year. What do you think? Are you freaking out as much as we are to have this historical artifact in Denver? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

Wings Over the Rockies Is Expanding to Centennial Airport! Click Here to Find Out More.