RiNo's first hotel has officially checked in! Welcome to The Ramble Hotel.

The River North Art District (RiNo) has become the go-to destination in Denver among tourists in recent years. With the vibrant art that adorns the streets, its diverse restaurants and bars, and so much more, it's grown into a lively part of Denver ... and it's still expanding. RiNo's more recent development comes in the form of its first hotel, which opened its doors on Friday, May 4. Locally owned and operated, The Ramble Hotel was one of the most anticipated hotel openings of the year and was featured on Architectural Digest's "The Top 18 New Hotels in 2018" as well as Afar Magazine's "The Top 15 Hotels to Travel for in 2018," among others. Death & Co first opened in Manhattan's East Village on New Year's Eve in 2006, and it has since gained worldwide recognition for its unique cocktail menu, which only increases our excitement to have a Death & Co right here in Denver! The bar's co-founder David Kaplan and partner Alex Day have joined forces with Ryan Diggins of Gravitas, a development company, to create a space where a bar, café, and hotel work seamlessly together.
"The neighborhood is fertile ground for artists and creative entrepreneurs, and we hope we've created a space where travelers and locals can personally experience the art, authenticity, and ambition that make RiNo so great," Diggins said in a statement.
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The hotel's decor is drawn from 17th Century French salon society. And, in part, The Ramble Hotel is named after Madame Rambouillet, who was a French salon host best known for her "egalitarian community gatherings" that sparked conversation. It also draws its name from the verb, "to ramble," which means "to walk for pleasure without a definite route." [gallery type="rectangular" size="large" ids="38206,38171,38172,38170"] And that's exactly the type of atmosphere the hotel has created for its guests. It allows for meaningful and engaging conversations to take place and grants you the opportunity to escape from the harsh realities of life for a little bit, whether you're in one of its 50 guest rooms, enjoying a drink or two at its Death & Co bar, or taking in the warm weather as you relax on the outdoor patio garden. Seriously, if you haven't stopped by The Ramble Hotel yet, what are you waiting for? Check it out and be sure to send us your photos! We recently visited and we loved it! Watch our video HERE. To make a reservation, visit the hotel's website. The Ramble Hotel is located at 1280 25th Street, Denver.

A 60,000-square-foot music venue is being built in RiNo, and it's set to open in 2019!