The Washington Channel is getting trash and debris runoff with every rainfall. Help clean up this waterway and join the District Wharf Community Association in their efforts.

2018 was a record-breaking year for rain in D.C. Unfortunately, runoff from each storm sent garbage and yard waste toward the Washington Channel.

What is the Washington Channel?

This two-mile waterway runs parallel to the Potomac River and is bordered by the Southwest Waterfront and East Potomac Park. For this cleanup project, over 600 feet of the Washington Channel will be skimmed for floating debris and garbage.

dc wharf, washington channel

Courtesy of the D.C. Wharf

How is the cleanup being organized?

From now until March 18, the District Wharf Community Association and its partners are coordinating a project of epic proportions. Debris and trash are being redirected into giant corrals near the Wharf. Boats will then direct the corrals to bring the pollutants on shore where they will be sorted and disposed of or recycled. 

Volunteers are needed from boaters who can assist with the corrals to people on the ground to help with the sorting. The D.C. Wharf is the main coordinator of this effort.

can, garbage

How can I help?

  • Keep your trash under control! Make sure to use secure trash cans, especially if you're near a waterfront area. Rogue plastic bags, straws, and styrofoam plates and cups make up a good part of river pollution.
  • Pick up after your dog and dispose of yard waste so runoff doesn't get to the local rivers.
  • If you have a boat, you can help with the garbage collection on the water.
  • Use fewer disposable items like styrofoam or single-use plastic containers. When you do use them, dispose of them properly in recycling bins.

For more information, including how you can help out, visit the D.C. Wharf website or message them on Facebook

Have you noticed a change in the Washington Channel since this cleanup has started? Send us your photos or tell us about it in the comments below!

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