Did you know that two out of three D.C students read below grade level? The D.C. Tutoring and Mentoring Initiative is trying to change that.

Join the D.C. Tutoring and Mentoring Initiative (DCTMI) in helping the District's youth through organized tutoring and mentoring programs. Their mission is to recruit volunteers who are available to help directly. Kick off your spring with a day of service at their Civic Leadership and Canvassing Workshop and Action.

This is a great opportunity for future civic leaders or just anyone who wants to give back in their community. You will learn from like-minded individuals and then head out into the field to canvass D.C. residents.


Event Details

WHEN: Saturday, March 16, 2019 | 9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
WHERE: Josephine Butler Parks Center | 2437 15th Street NW | Washington, D.C.

The workshop will consist of breakfast, group discussion, an interactive orientation, and practicing your new "civic canvassing" skills. Participants will then break up into smaller groups to canvass all over the city. At the end of the day, you'll come back together at a coffee shop to debrief and wrap up.

DCTMI, button

Who can volunteer for the DCTMI?

Anyone can help out -- check the DCTMI website to learn more about volunteer opportunities. From canvassing to tutoring, there is something for everyone who wants to make a difference.

About the Organization

The D.C. Tutoring and Mentoring Initiative was established in 2015 as a nonprofit organization with a unique set of goals:

  • recruiting and mobilizing local volunteers
  • linking volunteers with tutoring and mentoring programs and organizations already in operation
  • providing ongoing support to those organizations in order to reach out to every D.C. youth in need of additional academic and non-academic support

Learn more about the DCTMI on their website or Facebook page.

* All photos in this article are courtesy of the D.C. Tutoring and Mentoring Initiative.

Have you attended one of the DCTMI workshops? Tell us all about it in the comments below.

There's a "super worm moon" on March 20! Read more about it here.