And the countdown begins! The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo has set up a live birth cam for its two pregnant giraffes, who are expected to give birth very soon.

You guys remember April the giraffe and the live stream that captured the hearts of the entire country? Of course, you do. Well, pretty soon, April is going to be a fond, distant memory, and Muziki and Laikipia at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo will be taking over the spotlight. The zoo in Colorado Springs has set up a live birth cam as the two giraffes are within weeks of their due dates. The two giraffes are expected to give birth toward the end of this month or beginning of May. But, if we look back at the pure agony that was April's pregnancy, it could be much later than that, or even earlier. Honestly, babies can come when they're least expected. The birth cam will be operating 24/7, with activity in the birthing stall spiking between 4 p.m. and 9 a.m. A good portion of the time, though, the giraffes will be with the rest of the herd. You'll even be able to check in on the mommies-to-be overnight thanks to night vision capabilities on the camera, as well as some lights set up in the stall. Watch the live stream below: Don't forget to bookmark this page so you can watch the live birth cam whenever you want! What do you think? Are you as excited for the babies to arrive as we are? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below. And place your bets on the genders of the babies! My guess: one boy and one girl.

Learn more about the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo's baby boom!