The Olympic Museum will join the U.S. Olympic Committee headquarters and Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs when it opens in late 2019.

Colorado Springs is slowly becoming the central hub for the Olympics in the United States. Between the U.S. Olympic Committee's headquarters AND the Olympic Training Center both located in the city, it's hard to believe that there's enough room for anything else. But, there is! The U.S. Olympic Museum, currently in construction, is set to open in 2019.

On average, the Olympic Training Center sees about 130,000 visitors a year, and officials are hoping that the Olympic Museum will be able to double those numbers, if not more. At the ground-breaking ceremony, Governor Hickenlooper said, "I think the synergy you're going to see between the Olympic Training Center and the museum is going to be profound."
When it opens, visitors will have the chance to see the 2018 Winter Olympics brought to life before their eyes, along with Games of years' past. The 60,000-square-foot museum will house 20,000 square feet of interactive exhibits, a state-of-the-art theater, a broadcast studio, and much more. [gallery type="rectangular" size="large" ids="33803,33805,33806,33807"] With the Games still in progress in PyeongChang, there's already been talk about receiving items and various artifacts to place in the museum. "We'll be collecting training equipment, competition equipment, artifacts, anything that our athletes or partners have that help us tell our story of those moments that move all of us as viewers and fans of the Olympic games," Interim Chief Operating Officer of the U.S. Olympic Museum Peter Maiurro told KOAA. Major progress is expected to occur in the next few months, so make sure you stay updated with the live video feed of the museum's construction. Will you be visiting the Olympic Museum in Colorado Springs once it opens next year? Also, have you been keeping track of Team USA in the 2018 Winter Olympics? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below, and let's get the conversation started.

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