The wait is FINALLY over! Staff at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo welcomed its 200th giraffe calf on Monday night.

Muziki, a 20-year-old giraffe, gave birth around 8:20 p.m. on Monday night. The newest addition marks as the 200th giraffe calf to be born at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo! The female calf came into the world standing approximately 5 feet, 8 inches tall and weighing 120 pounds. Zoo staff did have to intervene and help the calf stand, but she's doing better and is even walking and nursing from Muziki. And while the calf does not yet have a name, the zoo is asking for the public's help! You can submit your suggestions for baby names HERE.
Now, the waiting continues as Laikipia, the zoo's second pregnant giraffe, is expecting to give birth soon. Though officials at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo say that she's not yet showing signs of labor, so it could be a bit longer. Congrats, Muziki and the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo! Super cute, right?? Will you be visiting Muziki and her baby soon? And any guesses on when Laikipia's calf will be born? Let us know in the comments below!

More baby news! The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo recently welcomed 6 Mexican gray wolf pups.