In honor of the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo getting closer to its $2 million mark for its Quarters for Conservation program, guests will be able to feed the giraffes ... for free!

The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo's Quarters for Conservation (Q4C) program is a fundraiser for field conservation. And it will soon hit a huge milestone: $2 million! So, in honor of the zoo raising the money, they're offering a single day for guests to feed the giraffes for free, whenever that milestone has been reached. Zoo officials estimate that it will be sometime in mid-April, so be sure to keep an eye on their Facebook page for any updates. [caption id="attachment_35464" align="aligncenter" width="640"]feed Courtesy of Cheyenne Mountain Zoo (Facebook)[/caption]
Q4C is the largest fundraiser at the zoo, and when it started back in 2008, 25 cents of every admission (or one token) was donated toward the program. Then in 2016, it jumped to 75 cents (three tokens) for every guest. On top of all that, $2.50 from each individual member and $5 from each family or higher membership is allocated to Q4C, according to a statement by the zoo. The Association of Zoos and Aquariums requires that at least three percent of operating budgets go toward field conservation every year. "Many zoos are still actively working toward that three percent goal, but with the help of our guests, we have been able to reach and surpass that goal faster than we imagined. We are now giving over four percent of our operating budget to field conservation, and that number is increasing all the time," said Bob Chastain, president, and CEO of Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. What do you think? Have you fed the giraffes at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo before? Let us know in the comments below.

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