Those of us in 420-friendly states are probably at least somewhat familiar with cannabis. Whether you're a stoner yourself or just want to understand the lingo used by cannabis enthusiasts, this guide will introduce some of the essential terms that every weed enthusiast should know, along with some fun ones!

Hopefully, this will help you to communicate more effectively in cannabis-related discussions and make informed decisions about your consumption. From cultivation terminology to different strain classifications, we've got you covered.

The Ultimate List of Cannabis Lingo:


This term is used to describe the feeling of being high after consuming cannabis.


A blunt describes when cannabis is rolled inside a cigar wrapper. Blunts got their name from the Phillies Blunt cigar brand.


Bud refers to the smokable portion of a female cannabis plant. Buds are covered in sticky trichomes, rich in cannabinoids and terpenes.


A budtender is a person responsible for selling cannabis and helping customers with their product choices. They usually have extensive knowledge about the strains, effects, and potential uses of various types of cannabis available. Don't forget to tip your budtender!


A bong is a type of smoking device in which cannabis smoke is filtered through water. This filtration results in smoother hits.


A bowl is a type of smoking device that consists of a small chamber for the cannabis flower and a stem connected to it. It is used to smoke cannabis by placing it in a chamber, lighting it, and inhaling the smoke through the stem.


Cannabinoids refer to the chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant. These compounds are responsible for the various effects.

Cannabidiol (CBD)

CBD is a cannabinoid found in cannabis that does not produce psychoactive effects.


A cone is a type of paper that is cone-shaped, which you can pack with marijuana. This makes the process easier for preparing your own joint.


A concentrate is a product that has been extracted from the plant and typically has high levels of THC. Some examples include wax, shatter, and hash.

Cotton Mouth

Cottonmouth is a common side effect of consuming cannabis, characterized by dryness in the mouth.


A dab is a form of concentrated cannabis extract, also known as Butane Hash Oil (BHO). Dabbing is the act of smoking this type of concentrate. Dabs are more potent and produce a stronger high. Dab rigs and dab pens are common methods for smoking dabs. The term dab is often used interchangeably with the term wax.


This term is used to describe high-quality cannabis that has a strong aroma.


Any food or beverage that contains cannabis extract. Edibles are consumed for medicinal and recreational purposes and can have a delayed onset. They can be commercially manufactured or homemade, and provide an alternative method for consuming cannabis without inhaling it.


Flower is another popular term for marijuana buds.


The word "ganja" comes from the Sanskrit word for the flowers of the plant. Ganja was brought to Jamaica from India. It's a common term used in many parts of the world to refer to cannabis.

Green Out

This is a term used to describe the feeling of being overwhelmed by the effects of cannabis, usually due to consuming too much at once. It can lead to feelings of nausea and dizziness.


Hash is an extracted form of cannabis concentrate that is made by separating the trichomes from the plant material. It can be smoked using a pipe or dab rig and has a high THC content.


Haze is a very potent type of typically sativa-based strain. It's an energizing strain that promotes creativity.


This is a type of cannabis plant that has been bred to contain low levels of THC and high levels of CBD. Hemp can be used for making paper, clothing, rope, and other materials. It is also used in many CBD products, such as oils and tinctures.


Hybrid refers to a type of cannabis strain that is a cross between two different cannabis strains. Hybrids contain characteristics from both parent strains and can produce effects that are either stimulating or sedating, depending on the ratio of Indica to Sativa in the strain.


Indica is a type of cannabis that is known for its sedative effects and relaxing body high. Indica strains typically have higher levels of CBD and lower levels of THC than sativa strains.


A joint is a product that's similar in appearance and function to a cigarette but is made with ground-up cannabis flower.


Also known as "dust" and "chief", Kief is a form of cannabis concentrate made by separating the trichomes from the plant material. It is stronger and can be smoother than typical bud.


This term refers to the tendency for cannabis users to experience an increase in appetite after consuming it.


Another term for cannabis flower or bud. It's also the name of the Denver basketball team, however, their name comes from Denver's history as a mining town.


A one-hitter is a type of smoking device used to smoke small amounts of flower at once, usually taking one hit before discarding the ash. They're small, discreet, and easy to clean.


A pen is a smoking device that uses a battery to turn cannabis into vapor. There are vape pens, which use oil; dab pens, which use concentrate; and flower pens, which use flower.


A pre-roll is a joint that has already been rolled and is ready to smoke. Pre-rolls can be found in dispensaries and are especially convenient if you don’t like to roll your own joints.


Resin is the sticky, tar-like substance that comes from the trichomes of a cannabis plant. This process uses a chemical solvent.


A rig is a device similar to a bong used for smoking concentrates.


A roach is the leftover piece of a joint or blunt after it has been smoked, and it's not fun to smoke. Most people discard their roaches.


Rosin is a form of cannabis concentrate made by pressing flower or hash at high temperatures. This is done without the use of solvents, making it one of the purest forms of cannabis concentrates.

Rolling Paper

This is a thin paper sheet specifically designed for rolling joints and blunts. Rolling papers are usually made from natural fibers such as rice, hemp, or flax paper.


Sativa is a type of cannabis that is known for its stimulating effects. Sativa strains typically have higher levels of THC and lower levels of CBD than Indica.


Shake is the name given to the leftover tiny flower pieces. These can be used for rolling a joint or packing a bowl.


Shatter is a form of cannabis concentrate with an amber glass-like texture.


A spliff is a rolled cigarette made with both tobacco and cannabis.


A stoner is someone who enjoys consuming cannabis regularly. To be stoned, become high from cannabis.


A strain is a particular variety of cannabis that produces specific characteristics. Cannabis strains can be classified by factors such as aroma, botanical lineage, appearance, chemical profile, effects, and flavor profile.


Terpenes are compounds found in cannabis that give it its unique flavor and aroma.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

THC is the primary psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis.


A tincture is a liquid form of concentrated cannabis that is made by infusing cannabis into an alcohol solution. Tinctures can be consumed by placing a few drops under the tongue or adding them to food and beverages.


Toke is a slang term for inhaling cannabis.


Trichomes are glandular hair-like appendages on the surface of cannabis plants that contain most of the cannabinoids and terpenes.


A vaporizer is a device that heats up cannabis to produce an inhalable vapor. Vaporizers reduce toxic by-products associated with smoking. There are a few minor differences between vape pens and portable vaporizers.

Wake and Bake

A phrase describing the act of enjoying cannabis first thing in the morning.


Was is a form of cannabis concentrate that is solidified into a wax-like texture. Wax is what is used in dabs.


420 likely comes from a group of high school students in California in 1971, who would meet at 4:20 p.m., when school and extracurriculars were done for the day, to enjoy the plant together. They used the term "420" as a code for marijuana. Since then, April 20th (4/20) has become a popular "holiday" for stoners.

This list is not comprehensive, as there are tons of terms related to cannabis, but it should give you a better understanding of a lot of common lingo used when discussing marijuana. While you're brushing up on your lingo, you can also check out these articles about Gen Z slang and skier lingo!

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