All good things must eventually come to an end ... Absolute Vinyl Records & Stereo in Boulder will close its doors at the end of the month.

Independent record shop Absolute Vinyl Records & Stereo is saying goodbye and closing its doors for good after 10 years of business. The Boulder record store will close at the end of March. Owners Doug and Annie Gaddy opened the store in 2008, and it's been serving the community of Boulder with classic records, equipment, and so much more ever since then. The Gaddys announced the closing on the store's Facebook page. The post, in part, stated, "Well, Annie and I would like to make it official. We are gonna close Absolute at the end of this month. We each have different things we want to do. So, this is the conclusion of a ten-year plan I had for our dear creation/experiment Absolute Vinyl Records & Stereo ... Thanks to all of you who helped, shopped, performed, volunteered, worked, played, supported, talked-up & loved our little shop." [caption id="attachment_34394" align="aligncenter" width="960"]absolute vinyl Courtesy of Absolute Vinyl Records & Stereo (Facebook)[/caption]
Typically, with store closings, there are blowout sales and deals, but not with Absolute Vinyl. Gaddy told Daily Camera that he will continue to sell vinyls, though he's not sure where. "We just wanted to make sure we wind down the store thoughtfully and professionally and continue to give total service until we wrap it up. ThereĀ are lots of people who've been shopping with us for a lot of years, and we feel like we owe it to them to not just disappear into the night." You can find Absolute Vinyl at 5360 Arapahoe Avenue in Boulder. What do you think? Have you shopped at Absolute Vinyl during its 10-year run? Are you sad to see the record shop go? Share your favorite memories of the store in the comments below, and let's get the conversation started.

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