"The Ickabog" will be updated each day with new chapters.

Author J.K. Rowling is helping parents keep kids entertained during the quarantine with the release of a new book. The Harry Potter author has released a new story called The Ickabog online. Rowling began writing the tale at the same time she was working on the Harry Potter series but pushed it aside to concentrate on her adult titles. Now 10 years later, the book is getting a new life in the quarantine. 

The fairy tale has already been exposed to a small audience—the author’s children. When the idea came to her to publish the story online for free, her now-teenage children gave the plan their seal of approval. As she finished the remaining chapters of the book, she once again read the story out loud to the family.

“This was one of the most extraordinary experiences of my writing life, as The Ickabog’s first two readers told me what they remember from when they were tiny and demanded the reinstatement of bits they’d particularly liked,” said Rowling.

Rowling said the book is designed to be read aloud and hopes parents will use this time to read it to their kids. New chapters will be added every day from May 26 through July 10, 2020, at theickabog.com. The book will be available in print this November, and Rowling has issued a call for illustrations.

Each chapter on the website will have a list of characters or ideas kids can model their illustrations after. Kids between the ages of 7 and 12 are eligible and can have their parent or guardian enter their creations for a chance to be featured in the printed book. Kids can also post their drawings and paintings on Twitter with the hashtag #TheIckabog. J.K. Rowling has committed to sharing and commenting on all of her favorites!

Have you and your kids read any of The Ickabog yet? Are you excited to look it up? Tell us in the comments!