Most of us know the torture that is commuter traffic. Is there anything that can make it better? Yes—audiobooks!

Everyone knows that a single accident or a cop pulling someone over can turn your 35-minute commute into one that will take over an hour. Day after day, we sit and stress out, convinced that we'll never get to work. Whether you're driving, slugging, or taking the bus, these audiobooks are perfect for passing the time.

Here are seven books I've downloaded and listen to again and again.

1. Garlic and Sapphires

This autobiography by Ruth Reichl chronicles her days as a food critic in New York. She has a great voice for narration and her descriptions of meals will make you want to hop on the next bus to Manhattan for dinner at Jean-Georges.

Running Time: 10 hours, 57 minutes


2. Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood

Okay, I listen to more than autobiographies, but this one came highly recommended by a friend, and I can't pass along the suggestion enough. There are parts to his story that will make you cry and others that will make you late because you won't want to get out of your car. You don't have to be a huge Trevor Noah fan to listen to this one, but you will be by the end of it.

Running Time: 8 hours, 44 minutes


3. China Rich Girlfriend

Kevin Kwan's hysterical follow-up to his blockbuster Crazy Rich Asians will have you researching flights to China right quick. If you haven't seen the movie or read the first book, do so before taking on this second in the series of three novels.

Running Time: 13 hours, 52 minutes


4. Before We Were Yours

Lisa Wingate's novel about a family ripped apart at the seams is actually based on real-life events. Make sure you listen to the epilogue to learn more about the countless cases of child abduction that went unsolved in the early 20th century. Running Time: 14 hours, 28 minutes


5. Then She Was Gone: A Novel

This crime mystery by Lisa Jewell will have you guessing for many, many hours. Set in the UK, the British accents are quite soothing to listen to, and you may end up going back through it to try and catch clues.

Running Time: 10 hours, 12 minutes


6. Outlander

Yes, this is the Diana Gabaldon book on which the cable series is based. Yes, there are a ton of ridiculously over-done voices, but YES, you will get swept away in this story. Chalk it up as the bargain of audiobooks due to its length and sheer entertainment value. Running Time: 32 hours, 37 minutes

Outlander by Diana Galbadon

7. Me Talk Pretty One Day

David Sedaris is not an acquired taste -- you will find him hilarious the first time you hear him. His deadpan delivery about his life as a writer is funny because his family is one we can all relate to: absent-minded father, outspoken rough-around-the-edges brother, and sisters who go way too far for practical jokes.

Running time: 5 hours, 51 minutes


Do you listen to audiobooks during your commute? What are some of your favorites? Let us know in the comments below!