It's that time of year again! Virginia drivers are seeing potholes all over the place and should know what to do about them.

We've all been there—you're driving along and suddenly you dip into a pothole that you just know damaged your tires. These seasonal road hazards are everywhere right now, and it's up to all of us to report them.

How do I report a pothole?

The short answer is that it depends on where the pothole is located. If it is on a major roadway that is a state-maintained road, you can call (800) FOR-ROAD or report the problem online here. Those work orders fall under the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), and they will send a team out.

If the pothole is located in a city, town, or Arlington or Henrico counties, call the department of public works in that locale.

Courtesy of Wikipedia

How are the potholes repaired?

In general, pothole repair is done by creating a wider, neater hole and layering adhesive with asphalt filler. Crews go back through with machinery to pound the material down and level it with the rest of the road. 

Why has a repaired pothole reappeared?

When water or snow gets into the cracks in the pavement and then freezes, it breaks apart asphalt surfaces. Even if a pothole was recently repaired, this process of melting and refreezing can loosen the asphalt pretty much anywhere. If enough potholes occur on a single stretch, the best thing you can do is repave the entire road!

A bad pothole damaged my car; can I file a claim with VDOT?

All drivers have a right to file a claim for damage to a vehicle due to road conditions. These claims are handled on a case-by-case basis by VDOT investigators. Only if a pothole has been left unrepaired for an excessive amount of time are you likely to be reimbursed for your claim. To file a damage claim with VDOT, go to the VDOT website or call (800) FOR-ROAD (800-367-7623).

Do you have a particularly bad pothole story? Tell us about it in the comments below!