5 car wash myths: DEBUNKED.

There's nothing like a good car wash! There are, however, some misconceptions people have about the car wash. Today, we are going to take a look at common car wash myths, and reveal the truth. Let's get into it!

Myth #1: Detergent Works Just Fine on Cars!

While detergent may help your car achieve a clean appearance, it is actually bad for your car in the long run. I know we all love a "quick fix," but sometimes, it's just not worth it. Detergents contain chemicals that can be harmful to your car's paint, shortening its lifespan. The detergent can also speed up the oxidation process, and even remove protective coatings such as wax. Just don't do it!

Myth #2: If It Rains, My Car Will Be Clean!

This is an easy mistake to make. Water is water, right? Wrong! Sure, it may remove dirt, but there are chemicals in rainwater that can leave behind water spots. You will also find that rainwater is unhelpful when it comes to removing bugs and grime. Beyond that, if the rain is acidic it can wear away at the paint. In fact, if your car is left out in the rain, you should actually take it to the car wash sooner.

Myth #3: The Automatic Car Wash Is Bad for the Environment

Though it may seem that an automatic car wash is wasteful, that is not actually the case. Oftentimes, it is actually more environmentally friendly to take your car to the car wash than it is to wash it yourself. Waterworks Car Wash, for example, takes additional steps to ensure they are practicing environmentally friendly habits. This means they use recycled water and eco-friendly biodegradable chemicals in each wash! Did you know an automatic car wash even uses less water than you would at home?

Myth #4: I Don't Really Need to Wash My Car That Often

Although it may not seem like a big deal, it is important to keep up with your car washes. One of the reasons for this is maintaining a good resale value. A buildup of dirt and grime can erode away at your car's paint. In order to avoid this, it is best to keep up with regular car washes. Not only that, but you should also have your car detailed at least twice a year. This will help keep your car clean and shiny, inside and out, and work to avoid any damage to the car's paint. 

Myth #5: I Can't Take My Electric Car Through the Car Wash

Though it may sound like a bad idea, it's totally fine to take your electric vehicle through the car wash! It will not, in fact, cause any damage to your car. These cars go through a ton of testing to ensure they are running safely, including testing how they handle water. So, no worries if you have an electric vehicle! It's not an excuse to avoid getting it washed.

There are many misconceptions surrounding the car wash. Don't fall into the trap of believing them. Remember, it is very important to keep up with car washes. If you live in the Denver area, check out Waterworks Car Wash. They are currently running Customer Appreciation Month through October 15, where you can find all kinds of great deals!