Hear us out ...

Holiday shopping can be uniquely stressful because it forces you to constantly assess your relationships with people. An effective gift is tasteful, personal, and something the recipient doesn't already own. (Bonus points if it's something they want but wouldn't normally think to get for themselves!)

When you combine all of those criteria, it's easy to appreciate how holiday shopping gets exhausting, fast. That's where we come in. You've probably already guessed what we're going to suggest based on the title, but that's only the beginning. 

Remember, we mentioned earlier the ideal gift is tasteful and personal, along with being something the lucky giftee doesn't already own. As it turns out, a car wash gift card hits it all, plus it's worth those coveted bonus points for being one of those "gifts they didn't know they needed" things. Let's do the math on this perfect stocking stuffer!

Car Wash Gift Cards = Tasteful

Nobody likes having a messy car. Period. At most, people tolerate having a messy car. Therefore, there's virtually no instance where a trip to the car wash isn't appreciated. Even if they just washed their car the day before Christmas, it's not like they have to worry about the gift being wasted. After all, you can just wait for it to snow, and suddenly, the gift card will be incredibly useful!

As a result, you don't have to worry about this present accidentally stepping on the toes of any car owners. Who doesn't want a clean car? 

Car Wash Gift Cards = Personal

Regardless of how well you know someone, wishing them a clean car is a universally appreciated gesture. It doesn't matter whether you're giving this gift to a family member, a partner, or a coworker—it shows that you care about them in a uniquely thoughtful way. Seriously! The average American spends about an hour per day behind the wheel, translating to a whopping 15 full days per year. Very few gifts impact that much of the recipient's life, like a full-service car wash.

Just make sure you gift them a card for a full-service car wash. For example, you'll catch the Our Community Now team shopping at Denver Waterworks. A shiny exterior is nice and all, but getting that "car dealership" level of interior cleanliness is where you start to see the best value for these gift cards. 

Bonus Round: It's an Unexpectedly Cool Surprise

Remember when we said, "the best kind of presents are the kind that someone would never buy for themselves, but wants anyway?" Bingo.

No matter how frustrating a dirty car can be, it can take people quite a while to actually visit the car wash. A gift like this doubles as a gentle nudge to clean their car, and that's a valuable thing in its own right. Most importantly, giving someone a car wash gift card offers a uniquely heartfelt sentiment, one they're probably not used to hearing articulated. You're effectively saying, "Hey! I don't want you driving around with bird poop on your windshield," and that's priceless.

Score Deals at Waterworks

The best part is, can currently find some awesome deals on gift cards from Waterworks, and get them for 20% off. And beyond this gift card discount, they are also running plenty of other deals this season, which you can find below.

Lucky 7 Pro-Pack deal:

  • Buy a pack of seven washes, and get three free on our Pro-Pack and full-service washes.

Membership discount:

  • Unlimited full-service pro: $25 for the first month
  • Unlimited full service: $20 for the first month

Annual pass discount:

  • $20 off when you purchase the annual Pro-Pack V.I.C card

Family plan:

  • Save $10 on the second vehicle when you purchase a family pack in the store

All of these deals will be running through the end of the year. Win big this holiday season when you shop with Waterworks, and start the new year with a clean car!