What is your car trying to tell you?

It's important to make sure your car is running efficiently, but doing so can be pretty easy to neglect. At times, it can be hard to even know something may be wrong in the first place. This is why routine maintenance and checkups are a crucial part of taking care of your vehicle and a good way to stay on top of how it operates. Like with our own health and bodies, we should practice awareness with our cars. Pay attention to your car and listen to the signs.

Lower Mileage

This one can be especially tricky, as your car may not explicitly show your mileage to you. Now, if you've had your car for a while, this is definitely something you want to pay more attention to. If you notice you aren't getting as far on the same amount of gas as you used to, you may need to take your car in for servicing. Lower gas mileage could be a sign of other issues in your vehicle. Making sure your mileage is up to par can also help you avoid spending as much on gas, which is always a perk!

Lower Brake Capacity

Are you struggling to use your brakes as easily as you once could? Brakes, like many aspects of your car, should be regularly serviced. This will help your safety, especially in the treacherous winter months. Pay attention to how your brakes are working. If they do not feel as smooth or are grinding, you should have them looked at. Brakes are certainly not something anyone should neglect.

Issues Starting Your Car

Most of us have been in a situation where our car needs a jump. Whether your car is not starting or starting slower than usual, this could indicate a battery issue. Rather than carrying on with life as normal after you get your vehicle running, you should take this as a sign your car needs attention. This may not just be a one-off thing, and it's important to have your car looked at by a professional so this doesn't happen at a crucial moment. Letting issues like this go uncared for could very well escalate them.

Dim Headlights

Dim headlights are another sign your car needs attention. This is also an indicator that your battery may be dying. If you notice your car's headlights do not appear as bright as they once were, you should look into that. It's important for general safety that your headlights are working at their best capacity to help you see well when driving and so other cars are aware of you too. And you may not even realize the headlights' power has declined. Take a moment to pay attention to this if you haven't already.

The takeaway here is that we should all practice more awareness. Some issues may be subtle and not feel like a big deal, but you should take more time to acknowledge them. Like people, your car needs attention. You should make routine checkups a priority so that these potential issues can be avoided. Learn to notice and address the signs your car is giving you.

If you do notice one of these warning signs, take your car to get serviced. Bighorn Automotive is a great option if you are in the Parker/Denver area, offering high-quality service by experienced technicians.